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About Us

Giving a voice to those who do not yet have one.

Lev Tahor Survivors was created and is run by a group of dedicated individuals focused on the rescue and support of the current victims and survivors of the Lev Tahor Cult, and has a fourfold purpose:

  1. Stop the abuse

  2. Hold abusers accountable

  3. Dismantle a harmful cult, and

  4. Assist those who need help leaving.


We ourselves are NOT survivors but seek to represent and support survivors.


We wanted to create a site with honest and truthful information about the Lev Tahor Cult for the benefit of the public. We strive to be a dynamic resource of information about the Lev Tahor Cult, to provide tools which enable convenient access to that information, and to help current victims and survivors to process their past to move on and create their future.


We tirelessly put together as much information as we could garner to arm the general public with the knowledge they would need in order to recognize this group as a cult. We do this and expect nothing in return except for the satisfaction of knowing that we have performed a useful service for the innocent and unsuspecting men, women, and children that face daily abuse.


We aim to update this site daily with any new and pertinent information that can help the public stay informed.


If you are a victim or wish to report an incident or share information with us, please email us at  

Or call us at:

(718) 751-0803

אויב איר ווילט פאַרלאָזן לב טהור
מיר וועלן העלפן איר מיט אַלץ
רופן אָדער ווטסאפ דעם ספּעציעלע נומער

(אַלץ איר זאָגן וועט זיין געהאלטן פּריוואַט)

+1(845) 262-4066

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