Lev Tahor Survivors is troubled by the amount of posts on social media using the current news for anti-semitic propaganda purposes. We'd like to address the more subtle Jew-hating posts, because they are harder to spot.
Example #1:
In this post, the author is purposely using factually correct information (avoiding community notes.) What he's not using in his description is the name "Lev Tahor" or the term "cult". He also omits all details. We believe this is purposely done to paint a negative image of Jews in general.
Which is why the author also uses an old video of the cult, even though there are hundreds of new videos of the actual raid and news story. This old video fits the stereotype that many Jew-haters use in their propaganda. The problem with all the newer footage is that the cult changed their garb a few years ago. Their new garb looks more cult-like and is not the traditional Hasidic garb.
The leadership decided to change the garb after they were sent to prison. The clothing change was a move to prevent cult members from assimilating into Hasidic communities - with the absence of most of the leaders.
Some people in this video are no longer in the cult.
Example #2:
This screenshot has been posted by many people on social media. It has been posted even by many well-intentioned Jewish accounts. What many don't realize is the screenshot has been altered.
The original article doesn't include the image of that Hasidic man. That man is and never has been a member of Lev Tahor. And we can confidently state that as former members.
A reverse image search shows this image used on many antisemitic websites representing "the Jew" because it probably fits the look they're going for. Whoever originated this altered screenshot snuck anti-Jewish propaganda so subtly that even Jewish supporters have been sharing this image.

If you read the actual article where this screenshot was taken from, you'll see an image (below) of a Lev Tahor cult member that looks nothing like his replacement (above).