Two leaders of the Lev Tahor sect, Yaakov and Shmuel Weingarten, will be extradited from Guatemala for trial in the United States, The Yeshiva World reported Monday. Both are accused of taking part in a plot to kidnap a 14-year-old girl so that she could procreate with her "husband" in 2018.
Those same charges landed cult leader Nachman Helbrans — son of late founder Shlomo Helbrans — and his right-hand man, Mayer Rosner, behind bars in late March. They were sentenced to 12 years in prison, followed by five years on parole.
Leaders of Lev Tahor “have embraced extreme practices, such as intrusive surveillance of its members, frequent beatings, and marriages between minors and adult members, says the US Department of Justice. Lev Tahor's children are often subject to physical, sexual and emotional abuse”.
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